Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Monday Blog-Dwellers!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more interesting, the stink bug OD'ed on Monster Energy and was strategically replaced with a fifth driver/rider, meet Courtney Sprague; Career Coach, baker, and shotgun shelia, a.k.a. the front seat bandit.

I realize it's been a while since the last carpool blog--4 months actually. I'm sure it was missed by all; but look alive: we're not only back in blog mode--but there's a bang in there too. BACK WITH A BANG! *bang *bang *bang bang

Luckily, you haven't missed much--some talk about the NFL reaching a CBA deal, some ideas for those folks in DC trying to balance the budget, and well, general excitement in regard to Shark Week on Animal Planet! (Did anyone notice Gaga singing Show Me Your Teeth? *Has Amanda's head stopped bobbing in the backseat yet?)  I believe that's Marketing-gaga at it's best! (*hardy har) You watching? Seriously though--show me your teeth.

In honor of Shark Week, Mike thought it might be a good idea to detour one morning and drive past the renound shark at Dinosaur Land--unfortunately, it was quickly vetoed.

On a happier note: Recently, the Wild and Wonderful Carpool was selected as a feature for the Sustainability's first green-ride-o-die quarterly newsletter series (its unofficial title. *Clever, huh?)

Apparently, the carpool mix and our wild and wonderful antics caught someone's eye.  *sizzle
Check out our amazing group pic!

Happy Monday blog dwellers.

**In the spirit of wild and wonderful antics, if you're one of the four followers of this blog and you are ever interested in saving the earth and/or bonding with a few very cool, yet highly intelligent, bloggers give us a shout-out--or seek out the green hatch-back in Boyce, VA with the driver’s side mirror attached with duct tape.

Stay tune for our upcoming blogs. COMING SOON: The "Is that a WINERY? Let's stop!" blog.

(P.S. I tried to change the font color! BOOO on the font color button. Boo!) I strategically changed the font to see who was paying attention. *I'm so clever.

Final thoughts...... I got nothin'!

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